Week 5 Blog

Why Haven't We Heard of These Sites? 

 The two sites shown on the blogger are ANTIWAR and American Conservative

The first site, ANTIWAR, features links to articles from other news sources related to international tensions, war efforts, military plans, etc, as well as . In addition, numerous of these articles found on the front page have strong antiwar  messages, such as the language used in this article on the site by Dave DeCamp, "US commanders blame the encounters on Moscow and Damascus, but while the US maintains its presence in the country against the will of the Syrian government, confrontations are bound to happen. These additional forces will only make similar incidents more likely." As one can see, the use of the words "against the will", "only make", and "confrontations" prove that the author of this article is against the occupation of American troop's in Syria. These words denote that because of our President's decisions, more lives will be injured or lost, and for little benefit. In my opinion, the reason why the population has not been introduced to a site like this or see a strong antiwar presence like this is because it is not entertaining. Looking at any of the mainstream news channels like Fox, CNN, MSNBC, or BBC, one can see that the serious issues are mixed with pointless articles about celebrity drama, cooking recipes, or obvious political agenda pieces to divide each side. Sites like this can never be mainstream due to the fact that is does not appeal to what a mainstream audience wants to see. We care more about how many plastic surgeries Kim Kardashion has had more than our own safety. 

The next site, American Conservative, follows the same example as ANTIWAR, but features more news from their own site. This site evokes the same antiwar message, featuring articles such as, "Get Out of Syria" and "Despite Military Resistance, Our Footprint in Iraq is Finally Shrinking". I believe the reason why our population has to go out of our way in order to find these antiwar messages is because the mainstream media's goal is to push a specific agenda, even with the most horrific news stories. With this agenda, they must appeal to the politicians affiliated with their political party, and thus cater to them. As we learned in class, we know that politicians like war since it generates a huge amount of money for them. Additionally, some news outlets even try to get the people riled up about going to war, more recently Fox pushing for America to do something to China in order to put China in its place. All in all, it is hard to find antiwar voices due to the fact that mainstream news outlets cater towards their political candidate that wants war, money, and power.



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