Week 2 Post Storm

Which News Sources Do I Trust?

 Ever since I was a child, my parents always told me to never look to one news outlet for my source of information. Fox news will tell a story one way and CNN will tell the exact same story in another. Because of this, I have always had a hard time not only trusting media, but finding a media outlet that is as unbiased as can be. The assignment demands I show five media outlets I trust, but I am going to show five media outlets I have used throughout my life, taking what they say with potent skepticism.

First, Politico. The reason why I have viewed Politico over the years is because the site possesses both left and right wing journalists. This allows me to have easy access to what both sides of the political spectrum believe, making my life easier when it is necessary to come to my own personal decision about a topic. As someone who is independent, it is important for me to gain an understanding of what both sides are saying in order to formulate my own opinion. It is crucial to see which side credits more sources and context to a situation (all without the opinion of said journalist). All in all, the site has fluctuated over time from one side to the other, but overall provides a good glimpse at both liberal and conservative views. 

Second, BBC. The main reason why I consume BBC is because of how well it covers international news. To give an example, BBC provides a much more objective opinion on issues in Israel and Palestine as compared to all forms of American media. Other than international news, I might use BBC to look at technology developments, but not much else.

Third, Fox News. Now, I do not trust Fox, but I think it is important to consume Fox media in order to see what the right's agenda is. Since Fox is incredibly skewed right, it is immediately understood what their message is and illustrates how some republicans may view social and world tensions. Plus, it is important to compare Fox to the other sources listed to see just how different/biased the articles are. 

Fourth, CNN. Much like Fox, I only read CNN in order to gauge what the agenda of the left is, as it is heavily skewed left. There are some reputable articles far and wide, but I use CNN simply to compare the articles to others found on other sites. Interestingly, if you consume news on most social media platforms (like Facebook, Instagram, etc), you get a similar experience of exaggeration as CNN and Fox. 

Lastly, my family. Growing up, my parents have always had differing political views, giving me direct insight to both sides. My parents then tell me why they believe which side is correct using facts, context, and crediting sites they got their information from. Similarly, my parents inform me about major events that happen, such as the recent murder of a child in N.C. and corona virus updates.


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